We’re members of the Cleveland Zoo, but we just don’t make it there very often.  Yesterday, we decided to meet up with some friends.  Nick and Sally love riding on the Tram.


Check out Axton.  Could he possibly be any cuter?  It’s hard to believe that he’s standing and I just met him yesterday.


After we saw the elephants and the mole rats, we took the Tram up the hill to the primates and playground.  After some play time and lunch, we waited for the Tram to go back down.  We could have easily walked down, but the kids love the Tram and they were ready for naps.


The Tram took a while, so Alaina got our her IPad to help entertain Nick and Sally.


Soon enough, we were back to the starting point.  Sally spotted this elephant and Nick joined in for the photo.


It was such a nice day to catch up with a good friend.  I used to work with Alaina and she’s one of the sweetest people you could want to know.

After we got back home, the kids both took good naps and that was the perfect end to a perfect outing.


Yesterday, it was a cold and dreary day, but we headed to the Cleveland Zoo for EarthFest anyway.  We had just been to the zoo about a week before, but I was excited to see the Earth Day exhibits.  We arrived just before 10AM and I was extra glad we were early.  It started to get crowded fast.  When we went into the first building of exhibitors, we said hi to Trevor and Robert from Fresh Fork.  They had a prime stop!.  We continued through the building and took a minute to look at the bee exhibit.  I really want to start bee keeping, but I really don’t know anything about it.  I have a friend with some land who says I can keep bees, but that’s as far as I’ve gotten on the subject.  Sally liked the bees the best of everything she saw yesterday.


The kids also liked the street displays that talked about storm drainage.  We were also entertained by some music.


There were several farms and CSAs represented and many had tables inside this hoop house.  I loved the logo for this year’s Earth Day.  But, I resisted the urge to buy a $15 t-shirt.


Bicycles can be pretty handy vehicles.  I’d do more errands by bicycle, but I haven’t figured out how to pull both kids yet.  Maybe things will change over the next couple of years.  I once met a couple who moved their whole apartment using a bicycle and trailer set up.


For some reason, I am also fascinated by chicken tractors.  I don’t think we are allowed to have chickens in our city, but it’s probably a good thing.


I spent some time going through other buildings of exhibits.  Nick and Sally spent time with Stephen and saw the elephants.  After a cold picnic, we bought some local whole wheat flour and headed to the Rain Forest.  By 2PM, everyone was exhausted and naps were in order so we headed home.

Everyone had a good time and we’d definitely attend EarthFest again.


Today, we went to the zoo.  We are members of the Akron Zoo thanks to a Groupon purchase earlier in the year.  When we activated our membership, they gave us a coupon for $5 for our family of 4 to go to the Cleveland Zoo.  The zoos are no longer 100% reciprocal with each other and the coupon is a way of helping out the members.

We arrived at the zoo just before they opened.  We wanted to get there early because the kids are early birds, it’s not too hot and it’s not too crowded.  Mission accomplished.

Although we trekked up to the primates area, saw the koalas and a few other animals, this visit was all about the return of the elephants.  It seems like it took forever to rebuild the new elephant home.  It turned out great and we enjoyed seeing them inside and out.

We enjoyed 2 perfect hours at the zoo that ended with eating our picnic lunch in the shelter.  It was a nice and active day.



Next up: workout at the J in the morning