Today was a nice holiday. I started out with Kate’s spin class at the J. She’s a maniac and it was a great class. She had a new playlist and it rocked. On my way home, I stopped at our garden since Stephen and the kids were there watering and putting in tomato stakes.
After lunch, all 4 of us took naps.
For dinner, Stephen grilled spiral hot dogs. They were fun and tasty. We’d probably make them again.
After dinner, we rode out bikes to the concert at the Lyndhurst Community Center. The Hillcrest Concert band played. We met some friends there and had a good time. It was getting pretty dark on the way home and we raced home to beat the storm. There’s lots of lightning, thunder and firecrackers tonight. Hopefully, we’ll get another dose of rain.
It was 91 degrees when we got home, down from a high today of 95. I’m ready for a shower, some R&R and then bed.