Yesterday, my exercise besides working around the house and the farm visits was a family bike ride.  We were able to leave around 8 AM which made for little traffic on the roads.  We needed to return some books at the library and buy a plunger.  Between the book drop and Home Depot, we ended up riding 4 miles.  I went up an extra street to make sure we did 4 miles.  Pictured from left to right:  Nick’s Weehoo I-Go trailer, my Trek hybrid, Sally’s Burley trailer, and Stephen’s Burley recumbent.  I’m sure we are quite the sight riding down the street.


Today, I made it to the J for a workout.  I did a solid 30 minutes on the elliptical and burned about 400 calories.  After my cardio, I did some abdominal floor work.  It felt good to sweat.

What did you do for activity this weekend?

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