I’ve been reading this blog about Real Food. It’s based on Michael Pollan’s philosophy about food. Today, I started down a path to try and eat more “real” food and less (none?) processed crap food. I’ll probably still have some and I haven’t decided exactly what my personal rules will be in the short/long term. For today, I ate well.
BreakfastIn honor of my 40th birthday today, I decided not to track my points. I had a few indulgences like pumpkin pancakes for breakfasts, one cookie, dinner out with my husband including dessert and Starbucks. I didn’t really overeat with portions and made pretty good choices for my meals. It felt good to just enjoy the day and not worry about estimating all of the portions and points. Full points plus tracking will be back in action tomorrow.
We had Fiona’s birthday party today. I indulge in a few too many treats. Many of the party points are estimates. It’s a TON of points, but it’s honest and probably pretty accurate.
BreakfastI’m a couple of points over today. I really need to bulk up with some more veggies.
BreakfastDinner was a bit unplanned. When I left Giant Eagle with a few groceries, I found my car dead. No juice at all. I had to go back into GE to find dinner as I waited for AAA. I wrote my food/points out on a piece of scrap paper and guessed on the points for dinner until I could check them at home. $3.50 for dinner at GE and no jelly beans. Speaking of jelly beans, I found one in my purse today when I was cleaning it out and I threw it OUT. Ended the day 1 point over target – pretty good for an unplanned dinner on the run.