Hello Life Lyn Style readers! My name is Kelly and I am the lucky locavore girl who had the pleasure of picking up Lyn’s Geauga Family Farms CSA share today while she is on vacation. This is me-

Being a goof on my own recent vaca
I don’t currently have a blog of my own, but maybe someday soon you’ll see me sharing stories of parenting, running, and my adventures in local eating.
I know Lyn because she is a fellow Fresh Fork Market CSA customer/part-time employee. We’ve worked the Spring Fabulous Food show together, noshed on the best local breakfast in CLE at Lucky’s Cafe, and had an interesting time attempting the pain-in-the-butt delicate art of pierogi making.
I’ve heard wonderful things about the GFF CSA, but so far my only experience with it has been right here on Lyn’s little slice o’ internet. The pick up at Whole Foods was super easy and at first glance the produce looked terrific. Picking up my FF share always feels a bit like Christmas but this time I had no clue what was going to be in the bag! So fun:) Here is the surprise I received-

Doesn't it look amazing?!?!
Swiss Chard, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Green Onions, Pickling Cukes, 1 Slicing Cuke, Leaf Lettuce, 1 Yellow Squash, Sugar Snap Peas, Cherry Tomatoes, and 1 Slicing Tomato
Everything seems to be extremely fresh and it all looks so tasty. Lyn usually shares her well thought out plans for the produce in her bags, but I am a bit of a slacker, and honestly most of this stuff is going to be eaten raw in salads and as snacks. The main exception will be the Swiss Chard. I’m going to take a recipe from my fav book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle , along with local carrots and eggs from my Fresh Fork bag, and turn them into Eggs in a Nest.
Bag Highlights (In my humble opinion)-

These have no chance of becoming pickles! My little bean and I have already demolished the bag:)

More snack food. I love that the cherry tom container is #1 plastic so it can either be reused or recycled in our community.

Give peas a chance. Best. Snack. Ever.
Big thanks go out to Lyn and her family for sharing their bounty with me while they are enjoying some time off in Delaware. I hope that they have a lovely and relaxing vacation. Thanks also to the peeps in Geauga County who put together a fantastic bag of Ohio goodness that does not contain Kohlrabi:)
What?!?! Kohlrabi in next week’s FFM bag? Freecycle here I come………