I used to like going to the dentist.  I had the same dentist for my first 30+ years.  I even kept him when I moved from Akron to Mayfield Heights.  Once Nick was born and started getting teeth, I decided that I needed to get a local dentist.  So, 6 months ago, I found a local dentist that I like.  His office is about 7 minutes from our house.

Last Thursday, Nick and I went for our 6 month check ups.  I was told that I had a cavity and that I’ll need a crown soon.  I was also told of another problem spot that we need to watch.  ARGH!

My old dentist used to tease me about how he never made any money off of me.  I went years and years without cavities or problems.   Maybe I’m just getting old.

Today, I went in for an 8AM appointment to have my cavity filled.  The dentist numbed me with a topical solution and then gave me a shot of local anesthesia.  I was especially nervous today since the last time I was in for a cavity, I felt something in the middle of drilling.  The same thing happened today!  So, I got another dose of medicine and things were better.

The problem is that it takes a while for the medicine to kick in and my mouth, tongue, face, ear, head, etc.  continued to get numb for at least an hour after my appointment ended.

By noon, I couldn’t feel anything yet.  Around 1PM, I started to get my sensation back.  The rest of the day, my mouth just hurt from all of the poking and prodding.  I’ve been hungry, but eating hasn’t been appealing.  I was glad that I made yummy applesauce yesterday.

Most of the day, I’ve just been a grump.  I see an early bed time in my future!


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