Today was filled with recovering kids and parents from a long week.  This recovery was mixed with tons of laundry dishes and other chores.  I probably could have went to work out today, but I just didn’t have it in me.

I am packing up for the Monday Spin class and hope to get back on track this week.  The first 4 weeks of the Biggest Loser contest were great.  Lately, I haven’t been into it at all.  I’ve been eating badly and my trainer workouts have become more stressful than beneficial as I try to learn more about the exercises and find a way for timely documentation.  I’m considering a break from training with a trainer to regroup.

No food post will be done today.  Quite frankly, I ate way too much food in general and didn’t really keep track of it.  It will be the first day that I didn’t at least make a guess.  I’m kind of bummed in a way, but I also just needed to allow myself a break.

My husband is taking the leftover birthday cupcakes to work tomorrow, most of the other party food is gone and the kitchen is almost back to normal.

I’m making some yummy (hopefully) chicken noodle soup and have the ingredients for pasta salad.  This combined with a new batch of cashew butter, plenty of clementines and grapes should help me have a good start to the week.

I did make it to weigh in at Weight Watchers yesterday.  I didn’t have time to stay for the meeting and they were out of weekly flyers, so I don’t even know what the topic was.  I was up 3.6 pounds, although a good deal of that was jeans instead of my light goucho pants that I usually wear to weigh in.

 Posted by at 7:55 PM

No gym work out for today.  My son turned 3 yesterday, so we were off to have a party today. We lugged in our food and beverages, carried balls and kids around and even threw of few balls of our own.  I didn’t do any specific workout.  I didn’t sweat or sit down.  But, I am still exhausted!

 Posted by at 8:49 PM

So, I ditched my Weight Watcher meeting today.  Look for a recap (probably gain) soon as I’ll try to get up there Fri or Sat.  I did however pick the gym instead.  So, no meeting recap today, but I did make it to spinning class.

Today was a blah kind of day.  After staying home with a sick daughter for the last two mornings, it felt good to get to the J.  I wasn’t really into it at all, but was still looking forward to trying out Donna’s class.  I wasn’t sure what to expect because I hadn’t done any research on her.

She was great.  I’d rank her second or third in the list of instructors that I have taken at the J thus far.  I’ve taken class from 6 people.

To top it off, my trainer Chelsea showed up for the class.  It’s amazing how much more you push yourself when you are around people you know.  I don’t compete per se, but I certainly didn’t want to be lazy with her around.

I also ran into Paula.  Paula is another trainer at the JCC.  She always takes the time to chat about how I am doing.  I wish her schedule was compatible so I could train with her some.  I think she’d be good for me.  For now, she’s pretty booked and I have limited availability.

I’m thinking about stepping up the activity for the last couple weeks of the Biggest Loser contest.  I’ve not had the best food week (gain) and would really like to give a good push until the 28th.  I’ll have to look closely at my schedule.

Lastly, as I was leaving, I ran into Shayna.  She’s been checking out the blog and it’s great to run into her.  I’m up to 5 min on the stair master thanks to her encouragement.

 Posted by at 9:59 PM

So, this week’s meeting was about sticking with the program. Everyone has bad days, weeks, slumps, meals, etc. It’s all a matter of perspective and how you handle them. The bottom line is to keep at it. Eventually, you make some positive changes, see some positive results and it gets easier. I don’t know that I ever think it’s easy, but after my horrible eating week, I needed to hear the topic today.

My regular leader Dawn, was not there today. She was busy on Fox 8 doing a recipe. You can check her out here.

Liz filled in. I generally hate it when we have a sub. Liz did a fine job, but it’s just not the same energy as our regular meetings.

For the week 1/27-2/2, my daily target was 43. I was at or below 43 for 0 days and over 43 for all 7 days. I used 98/49 of my extra points (that’s double). Technically, I could choose to use some of the 63 exercise points that I earned this week, but I don’t usually do that. Anyway you look at it, I had a terrible week. I can not have “3 order whatever you want meals out”, plus be lacking in fruits, veggies and generally healthy guidelines and call it a good week. I gained 1.6 pounds this week.  I’m not surprised and I’m going to have a great week beginning today.

 Posted by at 9:07 PM

Well, I was excited to go to the BL workout today. Last week’s BOSU workout was great and the same trainers were in charge today.
Andy and Terrance changed things up a bit and did a circuit/boot camp type of workout. We did some laps and then broke into 3 groups. Each group did a series of 1 min exercises and then we switched to the next station. We had a BOSU station, resistance band station and a misc. station. After rotating through, we finished with abs and stretching. It was a good workout, but I liked last week’s workout better. The workout lasted about 45 minutes and I warmed up on the elliptical for 15 min first.

Thanks go out to Barb, Barbara and Terri. All three of them complimented my weight loss today. Every once in a while you reach a point where everyone notices all at once. Today was that day for me. It felt awesome. I’m mostly in the groove and feeling great. I try to focus on that (and not how much more I need to lose to be healthy).

Activity points earned: 2 elliptical, 4 BL work out=6 total

 Posted by at 9:43 PM

Today was a planned day of rest.  As you recall, I did a long workout on my normal day off Thursday.  I needed a break today and my body agreed.  I spent most of the morning at the Dr office and three pharmacies.  I’ve had a cough for over a week and it was impacting my ability to get a good nights rest.  So, now I have some expensive and hopefully good drugs, so I can breathe without coughing.

I thought I’d take this opportunity to talk about getting to the gym.  I generally make it to the gym 5-6 days a week.  I work out at the JCC (Mandel Jewish Community Center).  Sometimes, we just call it the “J”.  The JCC has been going under lots of renovations for a couple of years now.  Recently, they opened the new fitness center, but we’ve also seen new locker rooms, renovated group exercise rooms, etc.  It is already nice and will be even nicer when all of the construction is complete.  I’ve been a member for just over three years.  I joined when I was pregnant with my son.

The JCC has a Kid Kare program where for an extra fee, I can drop my kids off for up to 2 hours a day.  It’s worth every penny to get a good workout (and shower) each day that we go.  The kids love the staff at Kid Kare and I love that they make it so easy to work out.

My commitment to working out starts with signing up for Kid Kare.  Besides, paying each month, we also need to sign up a week or more in advance.  Everyone (including my kids) know that we go S, M, T, W, F each week.  Getting to the J in time for a trainer appointment or a certain class is always a challenge.  I think we are finally starting to get the hang of it.

My preparations start the night before.  I pack my gym bag.  Most of my items are left in the bag from day to day, so I just need to pack clothes, a towel and check shoes.  I take sneakers for most workouts and cycle shoes w/cleats for spin class.  I use a triathlon bag that I received for Christmas a few years back.  It works great.  Here is a photo.  I use the “helmet” area for shower shoes, the bottom pouch for workout shoes, the side pockets for my i pod, snack, strength training sheets, pass, etc.  I put the rest of my gear in the main compartment.

Next, I pack for the kids.  I have a basket that acts as my staging area.  To the basket, I add a water bottle for me (two if it is a spin day), a snack cup for each kid, a cooler bag (for bottles the next morning), a small diaper changing bag, a bag with a change of clothes for each kid, slippers for wearing after the boots come off, a water bottle for my son, mittens for each of us and my purse.

Lastly, I try to lay out clothes for each of us the night before and make sure there are bottles of milk in the fridge.

In the morning, we have just a few things left before we can leave for the “play room”.  We get breakfast, get dressed, and add bottles and ice packs to the cooler bag.  I also pack my tuna fish snack and add it to the cooler.  Once we are ready to leave, we visit the bathroom and change the little one’s diaper before finding coats and heading to the car.  Sometimes we get extra help getting out the door from hubby, other days we are on our own.

Once we get to the JCC, we park far away.  We like to have space on both sides of the car to allow for getting kids outs, setting up the stroller for the little one, etc.  The walk is good for everyone and it’s a bit safer than parking around lots of cars.  My almost three year old loves scanning our card upon entry and always wants to run to the play room.  I’m pretty sure that means he likes it.  :-)  He’s also been enjoying the construction… cranes, painters, open entrances, closed entrances, etc.  It’s been a different J everyday!

It’s certainly a process, but our health is worth every minute.  I enjoy going and taking the kids.  I also enjoy going to the gym on Saturdays solo whenever I get the chance.  :-)

 Posted by at 9:01 PM

My blog is almost ready to be active and live.  My programmer is finishing up the last few things (that are on the current list :-).  This is a test post to see what happens in facebook.

 Posted by at 8:54 PM