It’s just over a week since we planted our garden. We saw improvements in the water supply with the addition of a second rain barrel and some new stands and locations. Nick enjoyed checking them out and enjoying how they worked.


Nick and Sally have been becoming quite the garden helpers. They are getting really good at watering, which is great because the weather has been dry all week.


We’ve even seen the first of our seeds sprouting, which is great news despite the hot, dry weather. We have been watering regularly to try to keep the seedlings from baking.


I’m hoping the rain continues while I am on vacation, but we have watering coverage just in case.


A couple of weeks ago, we noticed that something had eaten our bean plants.  I thought for sure it was the ground hog that we had seen in our front yard.  Last week, the tops of our pepper plants were eaten.  Stephen thought the deer were here.  I thought we would have seen them around if it was deer.

Then, yesterday, I was driving home with the kids around 7pm.  We turned up on street and Nick yelled, “mommy, I didn’t know we had deer on OUR street!”.  I turned to look in his direction and saw this:


So, I think we are done putting effort into our garden.  Our yard is small and doesn’t get much sun to begin with, so fencing and other precautions aren’t realistic.  It’s a good thing we have Fresh Fork CSA, Geauga Family Farms CSA, and many U-Pick places to keep us in fresh produce.