Today was our week 8 pick up for our Fresh Fork CSA.  We got there about 5PM and didn’t have any wait at all.  It’s nice when the kids can just run around for a minute or two.

Here’s what we were expecting this week:

  • 1 stewing chicken, approximately 2.5 lbs.
  • 1 bag dried egg noodles
  • 1 pint fig vinegar roasted cherry tomatoes
  • 1 lb. egg linguini
  • 1 lb. bacon
  • 1 bag spinach or mixed greens
  • 1 8-oz. piece of cheese
  • 1 dozen eggs
  • 2 lbs. cornmeal
  • 1 quarter peck apples
  • 3 lbs. sweet potatoes (please keep refrigerated)

Here’s a group shot:


We were notified early today that there wasn’t going to be spinach.  The yield wasn’t as the farmer had hoped.

I was glad to see apples today.  We love having them in our oatmeal.  I don’t think I’ve ever cooked a stewing chicken.  From reading, it sounds like it will make great stock.  I have some carrots and celery in the fridge to add to it.   I’ll probably also add the noodles.


We had our choice of beer or cheddar cheese.  I chose beer cheese since it sounded more fun.


Our kids call the Ohio City linguini “spider web pasta”.  It’s always welcome in our house in any flavor.  Maybe we’ll top it with the roasted cherry tomatoes for dinner one night.


I don’t feel like we use a ton of eggs in our house, but we always seem to use them up.  Baked oatmeal, muffins, pancakes, and such all use an egg or two at a time and it adds ups.  I’ve been leaving the bacon frozen and cutting it across the width for smaller pieces of bacon as flavoring in dishes.  It works well since I don’t need to thaw all of it at once and it last longer for us.


I’m hoping to have the sweet potato / chorizo type of hash that Stephen made for us before using the potatoes.  I think we have all of the ingredients in house.  Our kids eat corn muffins like they are going out of style.  I also want to try some pancakes made out of corn meal soon.


We also picked up a bag of corn chips ($3.5) from the back of the truck.


All in all, this is a pretty easy week.  I’m glad to have a chance to use up more from our freezer stash.  We have two small freezers in the basement and one needs to be defrosted soon.  I’m hoping to tackle that in the next 2-3 weeks.


Today, we had another soggy Fresh Fork CSA pick up.  I think Trevor should invest in Gortex running gear for the crew, and maybe some sand bags for the tent.  It was really a smooth pick up.  The kids wanted to wait with me, so they ran around in the rain while I waited in line for our goodies.

Here’s what we were expecting this week:

  • 1 tub (4 oz.) goat milk feta
  • 8 oz. jar of brandied cherry preserves
  • 8 oz. mixed baby greens
  • 1 sleeve of leaf lettuce
  • 1 head of cabbage
  • 1 bag of Mrs. Miller’s dried egg noodles
  • 1.25 lb.s Andouille
  • 2 lbs. ground beef
  • 8 oz. pak choi
  • 2 lbs. onions
  • 1 lb. Brussels sprouts
  • 3 lbs. sweet potatoes
  • 1 24 oz. loaf of apple pound bread

Here’s a group shot:


I don’t have any immediate plans for the sweet potatoes, but I’m glad that everyone in our house likes them.  I’m thinking of using the ground beef in a crock pot unstuffed cabbage tomorrow.  I only got one pack of beef and I’m checking on that.


I’ve never used Andouille sausage in anything before.  For now, it’s in the freezer and I’ll think of something later.  My husband just found a sweet potato and Andouille recipe that sounds promising.  The goat cheese will disappear on crackers and toast.  Cheese never lasts long in our house.


Greens disappear without much effort and these will be no exception.  We need to keep our veggie intake up to balance the cookies this week.


I have all of the ingredients for French onion soup and will make it in the next day or two.


The Brussels sprouts and pak choi will make good sides this weekend.


Apple pound cake is a new one for us.  I’m sure it will be eaten quickly once we taste it.  The noodles will be in the cupboard for a few weeks since they aren’t perishable.  We still have turkey in the freezer, so some soup may be in order.


We aren’t cooking a ham for Christmas, but I’m sure these preserves will be tasty no matter how we enjoy them.  I’m considering making homemade jelly doughnuts for Christmas.  Maybe they will have cherry filling.


I also splurged on extras this week.  We were out of eggs and still wanting to do some baking this week.  The breakfast patties were so good when we had them before, so I couldn’t turn them down.  I wanted to try some local eggnog.  The bacon will be in the freezer for as needed in recipes.  The spinach pasta was dinner tonight.  I can’t remember the individual prices, but our total was $28.


I’m excited for the holidays this week and hope to enjoy cooking a few meals at home.  Eating out really does get old, but sometimes it’s definitely the easy way out.


While I picked up my regular share yesterday, I also picked up a Thanksgiving package from my Fresh Fork CSA.  There were 3 to pick from and I choose package number 1.  I debated whether to get a package since we don’t usually cook Thanksgiving dinner.  We go to my uncle’s house.  I discussed it with my husband and we decided to try it out.  Let’s just say we will be eating well for a couple of weeks.

Here’s a group shot of what we received.  It was hard to get everything in one photo!


We were expecting the following:

Package 1 Contents:

  • Tom Turkey
  • Apple Pie
  • Sweet Potato Pie
  • Beets
  • Carrots
  • Candy Onions
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Red Norland Potatoes
  • Shallots
  • Garlic
  • Dinner Rolls
  • Turnips
  • Cauliflower
  • Lettuce
  • Bread for Stuffing
  • Eggs
  • Winter Squash Mix
  • Cornmeal
  • Pie Pumpkin
  • Frozen Ohio Sweet Corn
  • Bacon
  • Braising Greens
  • Apple Cider
  • Apples
  • White Spelt Flour

Let’s take a closer look.

The pies look awesome.  The apple pie is made with Ohio apples and came from Humble Pie Baking.  It came with instructions for a little bit of additional baking time before serving.  We are taking it with us to my uncle’s house.  The sweet potato pie came from Lucky’s Café.  We didn’t need the pie at my uncle’s house and I didn’t need a whole pie here.  So, I sent it to work with my husband this morning sans a piece.  The kids and I shared a piece with lunch.  It is one of the best pies that I ever tasted!  I’m extra glad that it went to work with my husband today.


We hardly ever by grocery store eggs.  The farm fresh ones are so good.  We also like knowing where they came from.  We were almost out of eggs until our delivery.  We’ll use some in our waffles this weekend, my sweet potatoes for tomorrow, hard boil some and use some for regular everyday cooking.  The frozen corn is a new item.  This corn was frozen this summer when it was in season.  I just popped it in our freezer.  We probably won’t try it for a week or two as we make our way through our fresh items.


The bacon is always great.  I just put it in the freezer.  We’ll use some with our stuffing recipe and some with our greens.  If there is any left, we’ll crumble it on our salad.  We were out of apples and already have eaten some on our oatmeal for breakfast.  These won’t last long in our house.


We received whole wheat flour instead of spelt.  Either is fine with us.  We use almost all whole wheat flour in our house, so the change was welcome.   We tried a couple of rolls with dinner last night.  They were very tasty and buttery.  We put the rest in the freezer.  My kids love bread and these will be easy to give them with lunches.


Winter squash is one of my favorite foods.  It’s so versatile and delicious.  These should store well and are not on my immediate radar to use up.  This bread looks great.  It’s intended for stuffing, but I have a feeling it may become French toast or squash inspired bread pudding instead.  For now, it’s in the freezer.


The lettuce is super fresh.  Some went to work for my husband’s lunch.  The rest will probably be served with dinner.  These heads of garlic are HUGE!  We are in garlic overload this year.  I’m not sure why we have so much, but if I can’t get it used soon, I’ll chop and freeze it.  I mostly just need to remember to put it into dishes.


I enjoy cooking with shallots.  They have a milder flavor than onions and compliment other flavors well.  For now, these are being stored in our basement.  Turnips will probably go into soup.  I don’t have a great go to recipe for them yet.


Our local, pasture raised turkey came to us fresh from Martha’s farm.  This bird weighed in at 22.8 pounds.  They were just processed on Monday.  Since we aren’t cooking Thanksgiving dinner and I’m interested in trying a turkey sausage recipe, we are freezing our bird in several pieces.  I’ll be making some of it for dinner tonight and we’ll get many meals out of this big bird.  The braising greens will get sautéed as a side in the next couple of days.


The corn meal is a great pantry item.  Nick loves corn muffins and we haven’t made them much lately.  They’ll be a great use for some of this corn meal, eggs and whole wheat flour.  The carrots look super fresh.  Everyone in our house likes carrots and we’re having them for dinner tonight.


Cauliflower is so easy for us to use.  Everyone likes it.  I usually do it plain, with a few seasoning or in a simple au gratin recipe.  With a head here and in our regular pickup, maybe we’ll have it three different ways this week.  With the beets, I’ll make a small batch of Harvard beets.


We’ll be having our fill of mashed sweet potato casserole tomorrow, so these will probably get baked into fries for lunch one day next week.  The kids love them with Ozark blend and cinnamon spices.


After I got home and sorted out all of our goodies,


I realized that we were missing or short on a few items.  We were missing onions, potatoes, pie pumpkin and apple cider.  We were short some apples and cornmeal.  A quick email to the great guys at Fresh Fork and they’ll remedy it at the next pickup.  I was given an option to pick it up at another site today, but I’m in no rush.  We have plenty to last us for a while.

Our pick up was not the best yesterday.  It was extra busy with the regular shares, holiday packages, turkeys, pies and LOTS OF RAIN.  We had to wait for a while, but everyone in line was chatting and taking it in stride.  Even the kids just liked running around in the rain.

The food always tastes amazing and the people who work the truck are super nice.  I already can’t wait to see what they offer for Christmas.  Berkshire ham anyone?


Today, we had a rough Fresh Fork CSA pickup.  It was extra busy because people were picking up Thanksgiving packages, regular shares, turkeys and a variety of other holiday items.  It was also raining!

Here’s what we were expecting this week:

  • 1 half gallon apple cider
  • 1 quarter peck of Mutsu apples (very large, tart apples)
  • 1 lb. nitrate free bacon
  • 1 dozen pasture raised chicken eggs
  • 1.5 lbs. white spelt flour
  • 1 large white stem bok choy
  • 1 bunch medium leeks
  • 1 bag, half lb., of young mustard green mix
  • 2 lbs. butter, salted or unsalted
  • 1 lb. pumpkin sage linguini
  • 1 head cabbage
  • 1 head cauliflower

Here’s a group shot:


We ate the pumpkin sage linguini for dinner tonight.  There’s one serving left and I’m hoping to have it for lunch tomorrow.  We’ve been out of fresh apples for oatmeal the last few days, so these are welcome.


I put the bacon in the freezer.  Soon, I’ll make a version of my uncle’s stuffing and it will use the bacon.  The spelt flour came as whole wheat.  This is fine with us since we use whole wheat flour all of the time.


I was happy to get unsalted butter this time.  We don’t usually buy salted butter.  I’m looking forward to trying it.  I never know what to do with leeks.  I’ll probably chop them up in an Asian stir fry for Stephen along with the bok choy.


We’ll have our standard sautéed greens with balsamic, garlic, salt and pepper with these greens.


Personally, apple cider is too sweet, but my husband and kids love it, so it’s always welcome.  Behind all of these leaves is a head of cauliflower.  Everyone in our house likes cauliflower, so it will go quickly.


Cabbage is used in the stuffing recipe that I’d like to make in the next few days.  I may freeze the cabbage by blanching it just to give me time to use some of our other items up.  We were almost out of eggs.  I need them for my sweet potato recipe and for waffles this weekend.



We got the granola that was owed to use from the last pickup and purchased some more yogurt ($10).

We also picked up a Thanksgiving package.  I’ll show it to you tomorrow!  It’s late and there are still dishes left in the kitchen.



Originally, we were going to be “on vacation” from week 12 of our Fresh Fork CSA.  But, our plans changed and we were able to cancel our vacation and pick up our share.  Next, I’ll need to place an extra order to use the funds from our week 10 vacation.

Here’s what we were expecting to receive this week:

Small CSA:

  • 1 pint blackberries
  • 1 quart yogurt
  • 1 lb. nitrate free bacon from Berkshire hogs
  • Approx. 1.5 lbs.slicing tomatoes
  • 1 head leaf lettuce
  • 3 lbs. new potatoes, red norland or yukon gold variety
  • 1 bunch swiss chard or 1 bunch chiogga beets (candy cane striped beets)
  • 1 pint heirloom cherry tomatoes
  • Approx. 1.5 lbs. peaches

Here’s a group shot:


We picked 1 bushel of tomatoes today, so these will get added to that bounty for canning.  This is a “fluffy” variety of lettuce and looks extra fresh.  I can’t wait to have it on a salad tomorrow.


When I left for Mom’s Night Out, Nick was asking for more blackberries.  I haven’t checked the fridge to see if they made it past dinner.  This yogurt is turning into a family favorite.  And, we had been having cottage cheese this week, so it’s nice to have more yogurt in the house.  We’ve been sweetening it up with a bit of homemade jam.  I also use it in my overnight oats.


I just finished processing my peaches from the peck that we picked on Saturday.  I still have to make the jam with the peaches that I skinned this morning.  These peaches will soften up in a day or two and be great as a snack or in my oatmeal.  We are stocked with cherry tomatoes at the moment.  We got a pint at our pick up on Tuesday and it’s one of the items that has survived in our garden.  I’m not a fan of the texture of raw tomatoes, but Nick and my husband both like them.  I just need to remember to serve them!


We haven’t really had potatoes much lately.  I can’t decide between mashed potatoes to go with some Fresh Fork pork that is  thawing in the fridge or German Potato Salad.  We have some other beets in the fridge, so I will combine them and probably make our standard Harvard Beets.  I think there was a choice between beets and Swiss Chard and I asked for beets so we could make a decent amount for a dinner side one night.


Lastly, we got bacon.  So, this week was themed BLTs, but I’m not sure if they will appear on our menu or not.  I did recently read about cooking bacon in the over on a rack and I just might have to try that with this bacon.


I think this is an easy week for us and that the items are easy to use and store.  It’s a good thing because we have a few other items from Tuesday to use up and have a busy weekend coming up.