We were out of town for the weekend, but made it back to the Cleveland area in time to head to my Grandma’s birthday party.  I have an awesome family and love to make it to as many family events as possible.  We arrived just in time to have dinner before the music started.

Once we had eaten, the kids got busy making new friends and playing hide-n-seek.  Sally hid by covering her eyes so no one could see her.  The boys had no trouble finding her.


Soon enough, it was time for the Blue Ribbon Bluegrass Band.  The band is great and it’s fun to watch my brother, uncle and cousin having so much fun.  It was also fun to hear the kids screaming as they counted for hide-n-seen over the music. IMG_4880

There was dancing.


Toward the end of the band’s set, Grandma was serenaded by two professional world class piano players.  It was her highlight of the evening for sure.


We ended with birthday cake for both Grandma and her son Matt.


It was a fun evening and a great end to the weekend.  We’re glad to have tomorrow at home to catch up on laundry and meal planning for the week ahead.

 Posted by at 9:11 PM

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