1/2c oatmeal made w/1c milk, peaches, cinnamon, 1pk Equal=6
Morning Snack
1 pouch tuna fish w/1pk fat free mayo, 1T relish=3
2 Clementines
2 hot dogs=6
pasta, sauce, cheese=9
sweet bread=4
Afternoon Snack
sweet bread=4
shrimp w/1T sweet and sour sauce=3
2 clementine
Late Snack
sandwich w/2 eggs on English muffin=7
 Posted by at 8:24 PM

I’ve been wanting to start a blog for several months now.  I’ve read, talked to other blog writers, thought about it, made notes, read some more, etc.  Finally, I just decided that I needed to do it.  Over the weekend, I purchased a domain name and signed up with a hosting service and was on my way.  I don’t know much about the technical side of things, but  I’m fortunate to have a great husband to help out with that.  Look for many changes over the next few weeks as I being to post and experiment with all of the format and styles available.  Feel free to let me know what you like and dislike as things start to shape up.

 Posted by at 1:12 PM