Today, I finally made it to Lucky’s Café.  I had read about this restaurant in Tremont a few different time.  Last night, Kelly mentioned that she was heading there for brunch today with her sister, Kirsten.  I was happy to meet up with them.  Both of these ladies are Fresh Fork CSA customers, bloggers and into fitness.


Nick had a class at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, so Stephen took him to class.  Sally got to come to brunch.  Kelly and Kirsten were on a quest to fuel for the Run for Regis Trail Fun Run tomorrow.  When you are going to run longer than 2 hours in the cold, snowy weather, you can eat whatever you want the day before the race.


I ordered a waffle and pecan crusted bacon.


Sally really wanted mac and cheese.  She ate about 1/3 of it and we took the rest home.  I also picked up a couple bags of Sweet Mosaic Granola.  The restaurant is pricey, but they source as many ingredients locally as possible.  They make much of the menu from scratch on site and it’s awesome.


Today’s brunch crew!


Everyone had a great time.  I’m looking forward to getting to know Kelly and Kirsten better.

  2 Responses to “Lucky’s Cafe”

  1. This is one of my very favorite spots for brunch! Those gingerbread waffles are amazing!!! I went last weekend and my friend ordered those, I got the biscuits and gravy and we split the bacon – OMG! Heather really knows how to rock the kitchen. I have their granola recipe posted on my blog if you are interested in making some at home.

  2. MMMMMMMMMMM Lucky’s Café…let’s go back asap!

    It was great chatting with you over local eats!

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