Today was our second pick up for the Fresh Fork CSA. We were expecting the following items.
Small CSA:
- 1 lb Berkshire chorizo sausage
- 2 lbs spelt berries
- 1 lb whole wheat linguini
- 1 bunch garlic scapes
- 1 head assorted leaf lettuce
- 1 quart strawberries
- 2 lbs hoop house tomatoes
- 1 dz brown eggs
Here is what we received.
The radishes were owed to us from last week since ours were missed. The yogurt was an add on. Most weeks, there are additional items for sale at the back of the truck. It was $5 and although it’s expensive, we really like it.
Update on last week: I ended up serving the tomatoes to my husband and son on their salads.
Here’s our plan of attack for this week:
We like the yogurt with jam mixed in and as the liquid for overnight oats. I’m going to make whole wheat honey strawberry shortcake with the strawberries I have radish top soup on the stove now. Some of the radishes will be used in salad and the rest will be blanched and frozen. The lettuce and tomatoes will get eaten in salad. The sausage and pasta will be eaten as a main course. We will sauté most of the garlic scape with other veggies during the week. We may make some garlic pesto pizza as well. Eggs and spelt berries are staple items and have a long shelf life, so we don’t have specific plans for them yet.