Today, we traveled to Ridgeview Farm in Middlefield, Ohio. From our house in Mayfield Heights, it’s about 45 minutes away. We made plans to meet up with some friends and our timing worked out well. We arrived about 9:15am. We had 2 adults and 5 kids (ages 4 and under) in our group.
I shared a few tips about U-Pick in last Wednesday’s post about West Orchards Farm.

The U-Pick at Ridgeview opened at 8 AM. Ridgeview also has a store that opens at 9 AM. The store sells produce and other “country store” items like jams and cheese. Since the store was open, that’s where we picked up our containers for picking.
This year, the price for U-Pick was $1.49 per pound. The strawberry field was in the back of the farm, which required a tractor ride. The farm had a 6 pound minimum for each adult who rode the tractor. We had the option to walk, but it was far, muddy and we had kids with us. We waited about 20 minutes for the tractor and then rode to the field. The kids LOVED the ride. I brought the BOB jogging stroller for Sally and I was glad to have it. It was easy to load on the tractor and was great to have to hold Sally when she was tired. It also gives me a place for my camera, diaper bag, water bottles, and other necessities.
Here’s a view of the farm and a photo of Nick, Sally and me on the tractor.

Here’s a photo of Sally and Nick.

We ended up picking until we heard the next tractor come back. I didn’t time it. My only concern was to make sure I met the minimum since I didn’t want to get charged for 6 pounds and take home 5. We took the tractor ride back to our car and paid for our berries. I ended up with 7.5 pounds.
We used the port-a-jon, loaded up and headed home. We ended up leaving around 11:30 AM.
Once we got home, I packaged up the berries. The containers on the right went into our fridge. The larger container (about 4 pounds) on the right went to my friend Shayna’s house.

Ridgeview Farm 5488 Kinsman Rd (SR 87) Middlefield, OH 44062 (440) 693-4000