Yesterday, my exercise besides working around the house and the farm visits was a family bike ride.  We were able to leave around 8 AM which made for little traffic on the roads.  We needed to return some books at the library and buy a plunger.  Between the book drop and Home Depot, we ended up riding 4 miles.  I went up an extra street to make sure we did 4 miles.  Pictured from left to right:  Nick’s Weehoo I-Go trailer, my Trek hybrid, Sally’s Burley trailer, and Stephen’s Burley recumbent.  I’m sure we are quite the sight riding down the street.


Today, I made it to the J for a workout.  I did a solid 30 minutes on the elliptical and burned about 400 calories.  After my cardio, I did some abdominal floor work.  It felt good to sweat.

What did you do for activity this weekend?

 Posted by at 9:00 PM  Tagged with:
oats with peaches, milk, peanut butter, cinnamon
zucchini fritters with honey mustard sauce
Afternoon Snack
strawberry lemonade
grilled chicken
green beans
baked onion rings
Late Snack
rest of the strawberry lemonade
rest of the cherry ice cream from the other night (less than 1/2 cup)
 Posted by at 8:54 PM