I’m a planner and like to have plans and schedules.  Today, since it was my birthday, I planned out the whole day.  I started like many of my days by taking the kids to the playroom (also known as going to the JCC for a workout).  I had scheduled a manicure for my birthday, so I planned a shorter workout and shower so I could get my nails done (at the JCC spa services department) while the kids where still in Kid Kare.  I ended up with a solid 30 minutes of high intensity cardio on the elliptical.

At 10am I arrived for my manicure appointment.  But, I hit a snafu.  The manicurist didn’t realize she had an appointment and wasn’t there.  One of the staff called her and she was going to head in, but I was upset and frustrated with the lack of communication and finger pointing.  Feeling rushed during my relaxing birthday manicure was not on the agenda.  I was not a happy camper.  I picked up the kids early from the playroom and checked at the desk to see who was in charge of the spa services staff.  There really isn’t a way for them to fix this, but there are some holes in their process and for the sake of future customers, they need to patch them.

Although, I was upset when we left the J, I was determined not to let this ruin my birthday.  So, the kids and I stopped at the park on our way home.  I chatted via phone with my sister as the kids played and we all enjoyed the playground and a bit of sunshine.  I found another place to get a manicure and headed out during nap time.  I was able to thoroughly enjoy my manicure and the timing workout out in the end.

After nap time and present opening, the family headed to Akron.  My parents took care of the kids and my husband and I went on a date.  We headed to the Akron Art Museum to see the M.C. Escher exhibit.  We really enjoyed our time there and it brought back many memories of art museums in Europe that we enjoyed on our honeymoon and other trips.

For dinner, we headed to VegiTerranean a vegan restaurant in Akron.  We shared a couple of entrees and desserts and had a great time sans kids.

We don’t have many pictures of Stephen and I together, so I made a point to have one taken today.

All in all, I had a great birthday.

Next up: spinning with Beth in the morning.

 Posted by at 9:40 PM

  One Response to “My 40th Birthday”

  1. Very cute picture! Happy Bday Lyn! It was great seeing you Saturday. You look great girl! All your hard work is paying off, you are thinner and your skin is so radiant and “glowy”. I can’t beileve you turned 4-0! You must know you look way younger! Congrats for your bday again and I’ll see u soon!

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