Nick, Sally, Stephen and I headed to Pittsburgh this weekend.  On Saturday, our first stop was the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh.  We were excited to go there.  The museum was reciprocal with our Cleveland Museum of Natural History membership, so our admission was free.  This was nice because we could stay until the kids got tired and not worry about getting our money’s worth.

The garage was definitely a hit!  Sally is sporting some work goggles and Nick is busy building a wall.



Sally enjoyed trying out the airplane.


She also enjoyed this device where dropping rocks in the holes made noise.  It was kind of like Pachinko.


Nick enjoyed climbing.


These were taken not long after we left the parking lot.  Great sign of a successful outing!


We checked into our hotel and went swimming with the kids.


We finished the day with dinner at The Church Brew Works.  This is a pub style restaurant inside of an our church.  It was even kid friendly.


We ended our day with a  trip to REI and some train watching.  We were all beat.

 Posted by at 8:06 PM

There is much debate in the blog world about whether to talk about children, use their names etc.  There are endless pros and cons.  I’ve decided to talk about my kids and use photos, but I’ve decided to use fake names.  So, I’d like to introduce to you Nick, my 3 year old son and Sally, my 16 month old daughter.

We like to watch The Cat in the Hat.  If you are familiar at all, the names will make you chuckle.  I hope to share about many of our adventures as we grow as a family.

No planned workout today.  We’re just spending the day as a family.

Next Up: c25k training run/walk

 Posted by at 4:00 PM

Today, I was sore.  I overdid it yesterday.  I didn’t want to go to the JCC.  The kids were excited to go to the playroom and we were signed up.  So, off we went to the J, in the rain.  Yuck!

I decided that I could at least read a magazine, relax and take a nice shower.  I actually read the Weight Watcher magazine.  The magazine is a lot better than I remember it.  I got a few ideas for meals that I am putting on the list to try.

At least I did the elliptical while I read.  I spent 30 minutes at a medium level.  I didn’t push myself, but it felt good to move my sore muscles and relax a bit as I enjoyed my magazine.  I need to remember that it’s ok to have an easy workout now and then.

Tonight, I had dinner with the family at Red Robin.  It’s nice that they are so kid friendly.  My daughter needed a diaper change and my terrific husband volunteered.  He was gone a LONG time.  When he finally returned (maybe 15 min later), she was wearing his undershirt.  I didn’t have my camera, but it was hilarious.  Kudos to Stephen for being resourceful.

Next up: day off of exercise tomorrow.

 Posted by at 9:26 PM
Apr 082011

I could not in in a groove this afternoon.  Lots of yummy high calorie snack mix.  :-(

1/2c oatmeal w/1c milk (drank some), apple, cinnamon, 1T sunflower butter=9
Morning Snack
Luna bar=5
2 mini meatloaves (with lots of veggies), green beans=8
Afternoon Snack
snack mix - tons of points, didn't even guess
Red Robin
1/2 chicken wrap=10
few fries=4
bite of corn dog=3
water to drink
 Posted by at 9:17 PM

I was fortunate to have my husband keep the kids so I could go to Weight Watchers last night.  I gained 5 pounds.  Yeah, I ate at a party and yeah I had a birthday dinner – but five pounds.  I was surprised.  I’m not usually surprised.  So, back to the grind and I am hopeful for a double loss next week.

Since we didn’t have a meeting to do to this morning, the kids and I got my son’s glasses fixed.  This is how they looked when we left the house.

We didn’t really have fixing glasses on the agenda, but little sister likes them way too much.  The eye glasses store put the existing lenses in new frames – for $25.  I’m glad we have the protection plan for the 2nd time.  Yeah, this is his 3rd pair of glasses in less than a year.

Since the new Kid Kare space opened at the JCC, I have the option of working out in the afternoon.  So, we headed to the JCC around 3:30pm today.  I did my 30 min C25K run/walk and then an hour long BOSU class.  The BOSU classed really kicked my behind.  I’ve taken the class before and I didn’t think it was that tough, but I must have been dreaming.  I’ll be keeping it in my schedule so I can work up to feeling energized instead of beat when class ends.

Next up:   I was going to spin, but will see how I feel in the morning.

 Posted by at 10:54 PM
Apr 072011
1/2c oatmeal w/1c milk (drank some), apple, blueberries, cinnamon, sunflower butter=9
Morning Snack
turkey hot dogs=4
greens, blue cheese=3
Afternoon Snack
pulled pork, pasta, greens, sauce=12
Late Snack
mini meatloaf=4
(lots of veggies in this one :-))
 Posted by at 10:39 PM

Today’s workout was kind of blah.  I did 10 min on the treadmill, 6 laps around the track and 15 min on the elliptical.  I made each lap/min count, but it just felt blah.  I spent quite a bit of time stretching and and equal amount of time chatting with some friends.

The new Kid Kare space opened today and the kids are totally enamored with it.  I took over 60 photos, and none turned out.  It’s really hard to capture them in motion.  I’m glad they like it.

Next up: BOSU sculpt class tomorrow afternoon.

 Posted by at 8:43 PM
1/2c oatmeal w/3/4c milk, 1 apple, cinnamon, 1T sunflower butter, 1/2T jam=10
Morning Snack
Luna Bar=5
1/2 tortilla w/filling=6
salsa and corn chips=8
Afternoon Snack
chocolate milk=3
mini beef wellingtons=16
salad w/blue cheese, peppers, shrooms=4
Late Snack
rice pudding=6
 Posted by at 8:40 PM

Today, I started week 3 of the C25K program.  This session was 5 min warm up followed by a couple of sets of 90 run, 90 walk, 3 min run, 3 min walk.  It ended with a 5 minute cool down as well.  I actually only did half of it because then it was time to meet with Chelsea for my trainer workout.

I worked extra hard in today’s workout.  We did a lot of similar exercises with a twist so many of them seems new even though they weren’t.  We included lunge/press with 10 pound dumbbells, hack squat, biceps curls, triceps dips (I really need to practice these), chest press and fly with dumbbells on an incline bench, etc.  There were lots of different activities today.  My arms especially are already sore.

After my workout with Chelsea, I did some treadmill work.  I complete a bit of jogging and mostly walking to round out my cardio to 30 min for the day.

I’m a bit concerned about the 5K training.  The longest training session during the 9 weeks is only about 30 minutes long.  I suspect it will take me longer than that to do the 5K.  I’m considering switching my training to train for distance more than time so I can make sure that the length doesn’t catch up with me.  Some training programs have you run/walk different times and others use different distances.  I may create a high-bred plan for my self.  I’m going to give it some thought over the next couple of days.

Next up: cardio in the morning (probably not spin since I didn’t do laundry yet)

 Posted by at 10:07 PM
1/2c oatmeal made w/3/4c milk, apple, cinnamon, peanut butter=9
Morning Snack
Luna Protein Bar=5
few fries, bite of kids cheeseburger=3
salad w/blue cheese, pepper, mushrooms, meat filling=8
Afternoon Snack
peanut butter=3
tortilla w/meat filling, spinach mix, cheese (times 2)=16
tortilla corn chips w/salsa=8
 Posted by at 9:56 PM