Nick turned 3 in February.  So, he’s 40 months old now.  Recently, his imagination has taken off.

He routinely makes dinner for me.  His props are things like small Frisbees for plates, plastic forks from our kitchen, a pitcher, a stuffed egg (compliments of Eggland’s Best at Fit Bloggin’), various wooden flat vegetables and a few wooden spoons.   With these few items and the mantle/wall of our living room, I can watch him make pizza, soup, pretzels and many other concoctions.  He often will use a switch on the wall for a timer and his garden gloves as oven mitts.  He also has several water faucets available.  One day last week, he wouldn’t let me start making dinner because he was making it.  So, I sat in the living room and played and we ate real food later that night.

A week or two ago, Nick created a couple of cats.  He named them Suzie and Dredger.  Then, he added mommy cat and daddy cat.  Daddy cat has a sore nose and had to get it fixed, so we need to be careful with his nose.  (This was surely a result of my husband’s nose surgery about 2 weeks ago.)  He also has a dog named Marsha.  Marsha comes everywhere with us.  He ties her up to posts when we go shopping and never forgets to untie her so she can get back in the car.  Just when I was getting used to the 5 animals, he named his stuffed dog Who.  Now, I am tracking Who along with 5 imaginary animals.  He takes us forever to get ready to go anywhere.  I even had to put socks on Marsha yesterday.  I have no idea where any of these names came from.  I can’t even think of any shows that have used these names.  It’s fun and exhausting.

Making up songs has really taken off lately also.  My husband and I routinely will use the melody from a popular kids tune and make up our own words.  Nick has started doing the same thing.  It’s so awesome for him to be creative.

Sally is almost 19 months.  Usually, she doesn’t understand what Nick is doing, but occasionally I catch her with a Mmmmm as she tries a pizza fresh out of the oven.

It’s never dull!

 Posted by at 9:41 PM

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