My “little” brother Frank turns 21 today.  Happy Birthday!  You’re an awesome brother and I love you!
Frank was in town to visit over the weekend and we were glad to see him.  Here are a few pictures from the last couple of years.



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Today was the 10th pick up for the Geauga Family Farms CSA.  This week’s share was similar to last week’s share.

Here’s what we received:


Let’s take a closer look.

Cherry tomatoes, carrots


Lettuce and more lettuce


Watermelon, cantaloupe


Green bell peppers, broccli


Yellow squash, eggplant


Cucumber, zucchini (yes it looks funny, but it is a variety of zucchini)


HOT peppers, slicing tomatoes


Peaches, green beans


We got 3 different types of fruit.  That is pretty odd for our CSA, but we love fruit.  Most of the items this week will be easy to use.  The fruit will disappear in a couple of days.

One pepper and the cucumber will go into salad along with the lettuce.  We ate the broccoli for dinner tonight.  The beans will make a great side dish to our meal tomorrow.  Carrots, eggplant and squash feel like staples in our house, so we’ll be making a quiche or lasagna to use them up soon.

Then, there are the hot peppers.  If there is one item that I wish we didn’t get, it would be the hot peppers.  I just haven’t found a good use for them yet.  But, I am determined.  I’ll keep you all posted!