There is much debate in the blog world about whether to talk about children, use their names etc.  There are endless pros and cons.  I’ve decided to talk about my kids and use photos, but I’ve decided to use fake names.  So, I’d like to introduce to you Nick, my 3 year old son and Sally, my 16 month old daughter.

We like to watch The Cat in the Hat.  If you are familiar at all, the names will make you chuckle.  I hope to share about many of our adventures as we grow as a family.

No planned workout today.  We’re just spending the day as a family.

Next Up: c25k training run/walk

 Posted by at 4:00 PM

  2 Responses to “The Adventures of Nick and Sally”

  1. Love the changes! Your bio needs a bit of updating since your birthday :)

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