Today was the 5th pickup for the Geauga Family Farms CSA.  I feel so out of the loop after being on vacation for 2 weeks.  We got back Sunday night, but I still am in that not quite back to reality phase.  The Whole Foods pickup has been different every week.  I hope we get some consistency soon.  I really miss Andrew manning the table.

Here’s what we received this week:


I think it’s a pretty easy identification week, but just in case I’ll list them.

zucchini, cucumbers


sugar snap peas, candy onion


small head of cauliflower, blueberries


tomato, kohlrabi


lettuce, cabbage


I was quite excited to pick up our share today.  We picked up a few things at the store yesterday since our fridge was bare from being gone 2 weeks, but for the most part, we were still lacking in produce.

The last couple zucchini were shredded and put in the freezer.  I’m going to make squash fritters tomorrow so these don’t fall victim to the freezer later in the week.  The cucumber, tomato and lettuce will go into salad with tomorrow’s grilling.  I’ll probably have Stephen grill the kohlrabi, too.  The kids will snack on the peas.  The blueberries will go on cereal for breakfast.  I now have two head of cauliflower since I bought one yesterday.  One head will just be steamed and served plain.  I’m thinking of making a au gratin dish with the other.

I have a cole slaw  recipe that I love that involves cabbage, apple, pineapple juice, onion, raisins, blue cheese and a simple dressing.  I’m going to look for it since I don’t think I could quite make it from memory.  It’s a great summer dish and I think I have all of the ingredients on hand.  Once I find the recipe, I’ll try to get my version in a post soon.  We’re sure to see cabbage again.

My goal is to use 100% of this share up before I pick up our other one on Friday.

  One Response to “Geauga Family Farms CSA–summer week 5”

  1. I’d love to have see your cole slaw recipe, I need something to do with my cabbage too and that’s what I was thinking!

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