Today, I took 4 kids with me to pick up the Geauga Family Farms CSA at Whole Foods.  Since my niece and nephew are here, we had two extra with us.  It was not our smoothest pick up because Aunt Lyn / mommy camp is really wearing out the kids.  Everyone was tired and grumpy.

Here’s what we received in our single share:


lettuce, patty pan squash


green pepper, onion


cherry tomatoes, potatoes


green beans, fennel


I was quite happy to see lettuce in the share this week.  We’ve been out since Saturday.  We’ll roast the patty pan squash and stuff it for lunch one day soon.  I like to use some sausage, rice or egg and veggies in a stuffing.

The green pepper will go into our salad and also be used for snacking.  I’m going to probably just chop up the onion and freeze it.  The cherry tomatoes will go to lunch with Stephen the next couple of days.  I’ll probably make some mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner tomorrow.

In 4 years of doing different CSA programs, I received fennel for the first time today.  I’m anxious to read a little about it and pick out a good recipe or two.  I’m hoping that I can find something with ingredients that I already have on hand so I can use it tomorrow!

Other than the fennel, this is a pretty straight forward week.  I’m hoping for fruit next week!

  4 Responses to “Geauga Family Farms–summer week 8”

  1. Looks yummy! I’ve never done a CSA share but have been tempted! Enjoy!

  2. Did you find a good recipe for fennel? Our fennel is still in the refrigerator unused from last week’s pickup.

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