In December, I did a post on our home-canned inventory that included my best guess as to what our original inventory was since I didn’t track specifics as I canned last season.  Since it’s been over 3 months, I thought it was time for an update.

amount canned Dec 14 Mar 27 unit item
22 18 7 quarts pear sauce
6 0 0 quarts chopped pears
18 13 11 quarts applesauce
2 0 0 quarts chopped apples
8 7 2 pints peach jam
5 5 3 1/2 pints peach honey
28 25 8 quarts peaches
6 3 1 1/2 pints strawberry jam
9 7 6 1/2 pints strawberry vanilla
4 4 4 1/2 pints strawberry lemon butter
6 5 3 pints apple-plum sauce
9 8.5 6 gallons tomato sauce (packaged in quarts and pints)
3 2 1 pints blueberry jam


For the most part, I think we are doing a good job of using up items.  I know for sure that the canned quarts of fruit and sauces will be gone soon.  I knew when I canned them that we would never have enough.  I’m glad that everyone in the house likes it.

For the jams, I did have to trash 2 pints of peach.  A couple of the jars weren’t sealed properly during one of my cupboard checks.  I’m not sure why we haven’t tried the strawberry lemon butter.  I think that will be the next jar that gets opened.  Our jam usage is directly correlated to our stock of yogurt.  As long as we are stocked on yogurt, we use quite a bit of jam.  Occasionally, we don’t have yogurt for several days and then use less jam.  I’m guessing that we’ll use most of it up before the next season starts, especially since peanut butter and jelly season is upon us.  It’s an easy item to pack for picnics.  Nick and Sally really enjoy eating lunch outside when the weather is nice.

It seems like I have extra of the tomato sauce, but it was also the last item canned.  Tomatoes for canning won’t be available until August, so there is plenty of time to use them.  I have extra tofu in the fridge right now, so I’ll be using some in lasagna this week.

It’s been fun to watch the empty jars stack up as we enjoy our bounty from last season.  I can’t wait to start over again for this season.

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