We met up with our trainer Jen today. I was still sore from my water aerobics class on Tuesday. I’ve never been sore from a water class before, but alas we tried new things and I was still feeling it when I arrived for this workout.
I warmed up on a bike for 20 minutes while I caught up with a friend.
Then, Jen had lots of fun in store for us.
2 sets of the following:
- Partner Kettlebell Swings 15lb 2 x :45sec
- Twisting Kettlebell Squats 15lb x 20ea. side
- Stationary Kettlebell Lunges 15lb x 20ea. side
- Windmills 8lb x 15ea. side
- Kettlebell Push Press 12lb x :40sec ea. side
- Single Arm Kettlebell Swings 12lb x :40sec ea. side
I really like the variety that Kettlebells add to my workout. I also am always sore the next day.
1 set of the following:
- Partner Medball Toss 12lb x 1:00min.
- 1/4 Turkish Getup 8lb x 10ea. side
- Supermans (both and single) x :30sec. each
- Opposite Arm/Leg Lifts 20ea. side
- L-Crunch 6lb x 30ea. side
- Ball Hamstring Raises x 15
- Ball Hamstring Hold x :30sec.
- Glute Raises w/ both x 20
- Glute Raises – single x 20ea. side
- Good Mornings 18lb x 20
- DB Side Bends 20lb x 25ea. side
We did a lot more floor exercises today than normal. My neck muscles are sore from one of them. Other than that, I’m feeling pretty good so far. But, I reserve the right to change my mind about it tomorrow when I wake up.
I’m hoping to do some spinning in the morning. That should help loosen up anything that needs it.