1/2c oatmeal made w/1c milk, 1c blueberries, cinnamon, 1pk Equal=6
Morning Snack
rest of my oatmeal
orzo w/sauce, cheese, mushrooms=7
Afternoon Snack
milk w/caramel sauce=3
mashed potatoes=4
sour cream=1
chicken thigh w/o skin=3
Late Snack
Sobe water=4
Kit Kat=6
toast w/butter spread, cinnamon, 1pk Equal=5
 Posted by at 10:21 PM

So, this week’s meeting was about sticking with the program. Everyone has bad days, weeks, slumps, meals, etc. It’s all a matter of perspective and how you handle them. The bottom line is to keep at it. Eventually, you make some positive changes, see some positive results and it gets easier. I don’t know that I ever think it’s easy, but after my horrible eating week, I needed to hear the topic today.

My regular leader Dawn, was not there today. She was busy on Fox 8 doing a recipe. You can check her out here.

Liz filled in. I generally hate it when we have a sub. Liz did a fine job, but it’s just not the same energy as our regular meetings.

For the week 1/27-2/2, my daily target was 43. I was at or below 43 for 0 days and over 43 for all 7 days. I used 98/49 of my extra points (that’s double). Technically, I could choose to use some of the 63 exercise points that I earned this week, but I don’t usually do that. Anyway you look at it, I had a terrible week. I can not have “3 order whatever you want meals out”, plus be lacking in fruits, veggies and generally healthy guidelines and call it a good week. I gained 1.6 pounds this week.  I’m not surprised and I’m going to have a great week beginning today.

 Posted by at 9:07 PM