Uneventful, but great SPIN class with Beth.

I did two sets of back extension (body weight) 10 reps and two set of 30 abs at 90 pounds before class.  It works well to set up my bike (reserve a spot) and then go to the fitness center for a few minutes.

I also weighed in for the BL contest.  I was up .25 from last week.  I expected worse.  I found out that another female is down 23 (twice as much as I) and she started out much lighter.  She’s been doing a really low (close to no) carb diet and competing heavily with her husband, so the stakes are high for her.  I’m pretty much assured to not win the big prize, but I suspect I’ll have a chance at inches or % body fat.  Only 2 more weeks.

 Posted by at 7:28 PM

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