It’s hard to believe that I’ve been back from Hawaii for over a month and I still haven’t written all of my posts about my trip.

The last day in Oahu, we made a stop at the Dole Plantation.  It was on my list of things to see since I had never seen pineapple growing before.  I didn’t think it was worth the time on a bus to go, so I was glad that we had a car on the last day.


We didn’t have a lot of time, so we opted for the 20 minute, 2 mile train tour.


It was very commercial, but I still was able to see many things growing that I hadn’t seen before.  The mango reminded me of my trip to Africa where many times people were selling them at the side of the road.


Lychee fruit always looks weird in the store.  I didn’t know that it came from a tree.  The photo on the right is pineapple.  I never realized it was planted in the ground.  It was very interesting to learn about.


Toward the end of the ride, we saw this picturesque reservoir.


At the end of the trip, they gave everyone a sample piece of pineapple.  It was the best bite of pineapple that I have ever eaten.

We ended our short visit with a little shopping in their highly commercial gift shop.  We didn’t buy much since most of the items came from China and had nothing to do with Dole or Hawaii.

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