Yesterday, I took my spin class.  Monday’s class is still my favorite.  I’m still rather hung up on the Virgin HealthMiles pedometer that I am wearing to earn real money through Stephen’s work.

According to the Virgin HealthMiles website, the following activity is recommended:

“But how much activity do you need?

  • 30 minutes of moderate physical activity or 15 minutes of vigorous activity 5 days a week (or any combination of those) is considered enough activity to reap these health benefits.
  • Measured in steps, taking over 7,000 steps a day, 5 days a week is considered the right amount of regular, moderate physical activity.
  • 15 minutes of Active Minutes, or vigorous activity, 5 days a week will also get the job done. “

Unfortunately, if you achieve the above, you don’t come anywhere close to earning the maximum amount for the pedometer use.  In my case, we are talking about $300.  The whole project really bugs me since the numbers to achieve the different levels don’t add up.  But, here I am still playing along.

My goal yesterday was to see if I could max out the miles available for the day.  For me, that meant that I needed to log into the site (10 healthmiles), enter two activities (20 healthmiles) and complete 45 active minutes or 20,000 steps (100 healthmiles).

So, at my spinning class, I ignored the instructor and used the motivation from the class and music to spin.  I kept spinning at a good clip the entire class.  I only slowed down to stand a couple of times to stand and give me a break from sitting on the bike seat.  I looked at the pedometer a few times and new that I was on track.  During the hour long class, I was able to accumulate 45 active minutes.  It did take me a couple extra minutes during the cool down.


On one hand, this is a great accomplishment.  I maxed out with 130 HealthMiles yesterday.  On the other hand, I didn’t do any interval training and rode at a constant pace.  It would be unhealthy for this to become my daily workout for the rest of the year.  And, I’m pretty sure that’s about what I would need to do to end up with the 36,000 HealthMiles to earn the $300.

It’s really not about the actual money.  It’s about a plan that should be motivating, but is actually demotivating on several levels.  For now, I am experimenting and trying to get additional feedback from other participants and from Virgin HealthMiles.  Maybe at some point, I’ll figure out that I am missing something.

 Posted by at 10:35 PM

  One Response to “45 Active Minutes with my GoZone Pedometer from Virgin HealthMiles”

  1. you can actually earn a lot of miles by the keeping up with the sponsored challenges, taking and improving measurements for blood pressure, weight, % body fat, etc., and other things like that.

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