I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year!  2011 was a fun-filled busy year for us.  Here’s a memory from each month.

In January, I started my blog.  I also started taking a fly-tying class.  Here’s a photo of one of my flies.


In February, Nick turned 3.  We celebrated with a bowling party.


In March, Nick tried out his new bike for the first time.  We were glad to see some nice weather.


In April, I turned 40.  We celebrated with a trip to the Akron Art museum and dinner.


In May, all of my siblings were in town since a few were running in the Cleveland 10K, 1/2 or Marathon.  I also had the privilege of going to Baltimore for the Fit Bloggin’ conference.


In June, our Wednesday Wade Oval summer of museum visits began.  Here’s Sally playing at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens.


Stay tuned tomorrow for Part 2!

  One Response to “Year in Review Part 1”

  1. Seriously? Fly tying?
    I think you might be an alternate universe version of me:)
    I ran my Father’s fishing tackle shop for 5 years with my bean on my hip. Please tell me that you own waders. Pretty please?

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