Yesterday, I set a goal for today.  It was 750 calories in one hour on the elliptical.  Mission accomplished.

I usually would get bored after 20-30 minutes on any cardio equipment.  Since I want to work up to 1000 calories in one hour, I didn’t want to get bored too early today.  So, I brought a book.  I’m sure my intensity wasn’t as high as it could’ve been, but I completed the hour and hit my calorie burned goal.  It feels great!  I’m going to ramp up my intensity a bit at a time over the next couple of weeks and then I should be at my 1000 calories in an hour.  It might take a little more sweat and a little less reading.

  3 Responses to “Elliptical:750 calories, 1 hour”

  1. Great job!!

  2. Wow! That’s awesome. That is what I need to do more of. I don’t get that intensity in my workouts. I’m looking forward to meeting you at fitbloggin. Have you read The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl yet? It’s my favorite weight loss story and Shauna is going to speak at fitbloggin. See you soon.

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