Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms!

With Stephen out of town, it was just the kids and I.  We went to the JCC.  I burned 600 calories in 45 min on the elliptical.  I also did biceps and triceps.

After lunch and nap time, we headed to the playground, and then we played outside at home.  After dinner, we headed up to the duck pond.

It was such a beautiful day outside and I was happy to spend it playing with my kids.

Next up: spin class in the AM.

May 082011
1/2c oatmeal, 3/4c WHOLE milk oops, cinnamon, 1T peanut butter, apple
spaghetti squash, sausage, sauce, cheese
lettuce mix salad
Afternoon Snack
high five bread with cheese (open face grilled cheese)
piece of Swiss cheese
salad w/peppers, chicken
 Posted by at 9:35 PM

Today, my husband had to go out of town.  The kids and I headed to Grandma and Grandpa’s house.  We picked up Grandma and went to a party.  My friends from Rome are in town for 2 more days and tonight was the last get together.  Their little girl turned two this week.  Since Stephen couldn’t make it, I thought it was a good idea to have another adult with me to help with the kids.  We had a great time and didn’t have any meltdowns.

Here’s the birthday girl with Sally along with a photo of Nick and the birthday girl.


After the party, we stopped in to visit Grandpa, Aunt Carol and Uncle Frank.  It was a great afternoon/evening!

Next up: cardio at the JCC in the morning.  I’m hoping an elliptical is available.

 Posted by at 8:51 PM
1/2c oatmeal, 1 apple, cinnamon, 1c milk, 1T cashew butter
Morning Snack
cup of milk
big salad w/chicken, blue cheese, mushrooms, peppers, lots of spring greens
Afternoon Snack
slice of blueberry high five w/melted cheese
Party for Amira:
watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries
slice of blueberry high five w/almond butter & honey
Late Snack
piece of whole wheat toast
2oz sausage
 Posted by at 8:42 PM

Today, I went back to the water aerobics class.  We used some water dumbbells and balls today.  It was fun and made it easier to modify the exercises.  This is one class where I need to work hard to make the workout difficult.  I always stay toward the deeper end and really focus on each exercise.  We do things like cross country ski, jumping jacks, biceps curls, balance, core etc.  We really get to work all of the major muscle groups.  I feel great after an hour in the pool and it’s a great Friday workout for my mix.

After a bunch of errands and nap time, Nick wanted to paint.  He likes mixing the colors.


He also really enjoys making a mess.


I’m glad the paint is washable and easy to clean up and that Sally was still napping during this project.

Next up: day off tomorrow.

1/2c oatmeal, 1c milk, 1 apple, cinnamon, 1T peanut butter
Morning Snack
handful of cashews
cottage cheese and peaches
Afternoon Snack
handful of cashews
piece of banana bread w/almond butter & honey
spaghetti squash w/sauce, sausage, sprinkle of cheese
Late Snack
 Posted by at 8:43 PM

Today’s workout was the afternoon BOSU class.  We had a few new faces today.  That’s always nice to see.  I implemented some of the modifications that Kim and I discussed yesterday and my foot seems fine.  Don’t get me wrong, I still have planter fascitiis and will have it for some time.  I don’t feel like I did any further damage to it today and that’s great news.

The class itself goes so fast and that’s a sign of a great class.  We keep moving and working and it never gets boring.  The class is roughly divided between warm up, step, legs, arms, abs and stretching.

Next up: hoping to get out the door in time for the 8:30am water aerobics class.

 Posted by at 7:49 PM
1/2c oatmeal, 1 apple, 1T nut butter, cinnamon, 1c milk
Morning Snack
1/2 slice high 5 bread from Great Harvest Bakery
salad w/chicken, mushroom, red pepper, blue cheese, honey, lots of spring mixed greens
Afternoon Snack
piece of 100% honey whole wheat from Great Harvest w/almond butter & honey
open faced (one piece of honey whole wheat) grilled cheese with lots of mushroom and red peppers, carrots on the side
Late Snack
maple, mocha milk beverage
 Posted by at 7:46 PM

Today, I decided that I would do the elliptical for a half hour.  I wanted to increase my intensity and get a good workout.  Many times, when I am working out solo, I slack off.

I ended up going for calories more than time.  I burned 500 calories in about 37 minutes.  I’m setting a goal for 1000 calories in an hour or less.  I’m not sure how long it will take to work up to that, but it will happen.

After my elliptical workout, I decided to work on triceps.  I did the cable pull 12 reps at 60, 50, 40, 30, and 20 pounds all in a row without breaks.  I already can feel it.  I’m determined to get strong enough to do triceps dips with good form.

I also spent a few minutes talking to Kim about the BOSU class.  I have planter fasciitis from doing one of the exercises incorrectly last week.  I don’t want to stop going to the class, so we talked about some modifications to help the “injury”.  I’m looking forward to trying them tomorrow.

Next up: BOSU sculpt tomorrow afternoon.

 Posted by at 10:57 PM

Today’s food was ok.  I definitely didn’t eat enough vegetables, but I’m doing great without white flour or refined sugar (allowing honey and maple syrup in moderation)  I’m out of time to be specific, but I’ll be back tomorrow with another detailed log.

 Posted by at 10:50 PM