Today’s spinning class was particularly good.  Beth was back and I was totally in the groove.

Before class, I did 3 sets of abs (125#, 30 reps each) along with the back extension (2 sets of 10, holding a 10# disk).

I’ve been spending a lot of my “extra” time thinking the past couple of weeks.  Balance seems to be the theme.  People in the exercise world talk about strength, cardio and flexibility as the three components of exercising.  If you leave one out you are asking for problems in the long term.  I think there could be many more parts, but definitely I need to consider mental health/balance.  When I get too stressed out and my mental health is off kilter, everything is out of balance.  Like many, I have a never ending task list.  Lately, the list and my normal routines (self inflicted for the most part) have been stressing me out.  So, I’m starting to develop a plan or set of action items to help me find more balance.  Today was a great day with a mix of spinning, shopping, playing with the kids and now some quiet time for myself.

 Posted by at 7:59 PM
Mar 072011
1/2c oatmeal w/1c milk, 1 apple, cinnamon, 1T peanut butter, 2T granola=11
2 mini sandwiches=10
Afternoon Snack
Sobe water=4
sweet potatoes=3
Late Snack
 Posted by at 7:48 PM

So, today I headed to the J without the kids due to a semi-rush schedule.  I did a solo strength workout (meaning one that I did without a trainer and compiled the list of to dos on my own).  Many of these items come from regular machines at the J combined with items that I’ve done with my trainers.

Warm up -6 minutes on the elliptical

  • Leg curl- single leg 30lbs 15 each side
  • Leg curl- double leg 70lbs 15 reps
  • Chest press- single arm 10lbs 10 reps
  • Chest press- double arm 30lbs 10 reps
  • Ab machine- 125lbs (wanted 120, but then I noticed the extra five after my sets), 2 sets 30 reps each
  • Biceps curl and triceps extension – 10lb dumbbells.. probably about 4 sets.  I was chatting with Chaya during this time
  • Back extension – holding 10lb disk, 20 reps
  • Wood chops- 20 using 10lb medicine ball
  • Shoulder press-double arm 20lbs 10 reps
  • Shoulder press- single arm 10lbs 10 reps each side

I’m feeling good tonight.  Looking forward to spinning in the morning.  Hubby will be out of town this week, so our time at the J will be extra good for all of us.

 Posted by at 9:12 PM
Mar 062011

Fresh home made peanut butter was the highlight of today.  Rich, creamy, flavorful and filling.

Downside – I’ve been drinking too many points (Sobe Water) and eating too many jelly beans (Easter is harder than Halloween)

1/2c oatmeal w/1 apple, cinnamon and 2T of fresh peanut butter =12
Pierogies w/mushrooms, sauce, cheese=10
Afternoon Snack
banana w/peanut butter=3
sweet potatoes=5
Late Snack
jelly beans=8
Sobe Water=4
 Posted by at 9:05 PM

Today, was day off from the gym.  I plan to do a solo strength training workout in the morning.  I’m going to plan out my workout before I go and see how much I’ve learned from the trainers.

I got lots of finger exercise typing at the computer today.  We like to keep our finances in Quicken and I had many receipts to enter and statements to balance.  Hubby took care of the kids much of the day and I took care of the paper.  :-)

 Posted by at 9:25 PM
Mar 052011
1/2c oatmeal w/1c milk, 1 apple (local CSA), cinnamon, 1pk Equal, 1T cashew butter=9
trail mix=6
Afternoon Snack
cinnamon cereal w/milk=4
Hoggy's Barn and Grille:
pulled pork=6
mac and cheese=3
baked beans=4
corn muffins=8
sweet tea=6
 Posted by at 9:22 PM

Usually on Friday, I have a trainer appt with Emily.  Today, the kids and I needed to be in Akron for the coupon swap at 11am, followed by some other errands.  I needed to workout, but I needed to be very time flexible so not to be too rushed or stressed with the timing of things.

So, I opted to cancel my training.  Instead of trying to figure out a strength training workout on my own, I hopped on the elliptical for 30 minutes.  I enjoyed a nice shower and we were on our way.  It was nice to be flexible with the arrival/departure time (not tied to the trainer schedule).

We still haven’t heard about the other winners for the Biggest Loser contest.  So far we only have a facebook post with the following:

Congratulations to the Mandel JCC’s Biggest Loser: Rachael Boyd, with an 18.18% percent change in body weight. While the contest may be over, you can still be a big loser. Contact Rich Zatta: (216) 831-0700, ext 1398

So, hopefully I’ll find out the other 4 winners soon.  I’m pretty sure that I didn’t win, but I suspect I will know a couple of the winners and it would be nice to congratulate them.

Next up: solo strength training Sat or Sun

 Posted by at 9:18 PM
Mar 042011
1/2c oatmeal w/1c milk, 1 apple, 1T cashew butter, cinnamon=9
shrimp cocktail w/sweet sour sauce=6
(this was at our coupon swap - I packed it as my lunch/snack. the rest of the table enjoyed birthday cake by Sarah. She's an awesome baker, but cake is luckily not my thing. I'm extra glad she didn't bring the cookie dough bon bons)
Afternoon Snack
meatball sub from Mama Rosas=16
Sobe Water=4
fajita w/local meat, peppers, cheese, sour cream-9
Late Snack
Sobe Water=4
Z Bar=4
 Posted by at 9:11 PM

Today was a planned off day.  The kids and I went to the Weight Watchers meeting.  As normal, we parked far away and walked down along the plaza to the meeting location.  It was much colder than we realized.  I weighed in 1.4 pounds down from last week.  It’s not really a true loss since I was up 6.4 pounds last week (at night with jeans and after dinner LOL).  I’ve been playing with the same 8 pounds forever.

We weren’t running late, but the meeting was already filling up and there was no room at the inn.  The new seating arrangement since the move, full meeting, and crabby mom with kids just wasn’t going to work today.  We can’t just take any 3-4 seats anywhere in the room without being disruptive.   So, we left and went to the Dollar Store to buy the kids a balloon and headed home.  I spent the bulk of the day just trying to relax and get the kitchen clean.  Mission accomplished for the most part.

We had planned a rare Thursday appearance at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.  Tonight was a member’s only behind the scenes tour.  Basically, it was an open house that included many of the areas that are normally closed to the public.  When we meet up at the museum, we end up with two cars.  The Chevy ended up parked far away (about 1200 people were expected at the event) and I volunteered to drive it home.

So, most of my activity today came in the form of a chilly buy nice stroll from the CMNH to the Lagoon near the Case library.  It was only 4 tenths of a mile.  I mostly enjoyed the quiet (no kids) drive home.

 Posted by at 9:58 PM
Mar 032011
1/2c oatmeal made w/1c milk, 1c peaches (overflowing, used the rest of the bag up), cinnamon, 1T cashew butter, 4T granola=6
-ended up eating 1/2 of it, wasn't very hungry
Trader Joe's chicken fajita burrito=14
2T BBQ sauce=2
4T reduced fat sour cream=2
Afternoon Snack
Trader Joe's chocolate covered banana slices=15
(snacked on these throughout the day - too yummy, won't be buying them on a regular basis)
meatball on flatbread w/cheese, couple of sun chips=18
Late Snack
1/2c of punch=2
 Posted by at 9:21 PM